четверг, 25 февраля 2010 г.
What is Philisophy?
A Greek philosopher who lived more than two thousand years ago believed that philosophy had its origin in people's sense of wonder. People naturally ask philosophical questions because they are trying to understand the meaning of life.
Well, what do you think philosophy is? Most people can't answer this question. It's too abstract. It's also controversial.
In my opinion, philosophy is like the Universe, it is the same secret and unlimited. But every human always asks questions about the boundaries of the Universe and also about philosophy. Everyone wants to know the meaning of his life, wants to know why he lives.
The question "What is philosophy?" can only be posed late in life, with the arrival of old age and the time for speaking concretely. It is a question posed in a moment when there is nothing to ask.
среда, 24 февраля 2010 г.
Задание 5
Чем отличаются публичные лекции на канале от других публичных лекций, уроков в школе?
Я считаю, что публичные лекции на канале отличаются от других публичных лекций тем, что на канале их ведут известные люди, люди которые интересны. Обычно лекции на канале кратки и просты, их очень интересно слушать, так как представлены реальные факты.
Почему вы выбрали именно этот ролик, а не какой-то другой?
Потому что меня он заинтересовал. Заинтересовал своими интересными фактами и мнением Эдварда Буртунского.
Чем вам запомнилось/поразило выбранное вами публичное выступление в формате TED?
Мне заполнились именно фотографии, которые были представлены в этом видео и манера разговора Эдварда Буртунского.
четверг, 18 февраля 2010 г.
понедельник, 15 февраля 2010 г.
1)able - unable
2)accurate - inaccurate
3)active - inactive
4)agree - disagree
5)button - unbutton
6)comfortable - uncomfortable
7)convinient - inconvinient
8)credible - incredible
9)direct - indirect
10)experienced - inexperienced (unexperienced)
11)fair - unfair
12)fold - unfold
13)formal - informal
14)fortunate - unfortunate
15)hear - mishear
16)like - unlike or dislike
17)necessary - unnecessary
18)pack - unpack
19)patient - inpatient
20)plesant - unpleasant
21)possible - impossible
22)pronounce - mispronounce
23)spell - misspell
24)tolerant - intolerant
25)usual - unusual
26)willing - unwilling
27)just - unjust
28)kind - unkind
29)satisfactory - unsatisfactory
30)appropriate - inappropriate
31)sincere - insincere
32)legible - illegible
33)legal - illegal
34)literate - illiterate
35)regular - unregular(irregular)
36)relevant - irrelevant
37)responsible - irresponsible
38)mature - immature
39)probable - improbable
40)moral - immoral
41)screw - unscrew
42)do - undo
43)tie - untie
44)appear - disapper
45)quality - disquality
46)understand - misunderstand
47)read - misread
2)accurate - inaccurate
3)active - inactive
4)agree - disagree
5)button - unbutton
6)comfortable - uncomfortable
7)convinient - inconvinient
8)credible - incredible
9)direct - indirect
10)experienced - inexperienced (unexperienced)
11)fair - unfair
12)fold - unfold
13)formal - informal
14)fortunate - unfortunate
15)hear - mishear
16)like - unlike or dislike
17)necessary - unnecessary
18)pack - unpack
19)patient - inpatient
20)plesant - unpleasant
21)possible - impossible
22)pronounce - mispronounce
23)spell - misspell
24)tolerant - intolerant
25)usual - unusual
26)willing - unwilling
27)just - unjust
28)kind - unkind
29)satisfactory - unsatisfactory
30)appropriate - inappropriate
31)sincere - insincere
32)legible - illegible
33)legal - illegal
34)literate - illiterate
35)regular - unregular(irregular)
36)relevant - irrelevant
37)responsible - irresponsible
38)mature - immature
39)probable - improbable
40)moral - immoral
41)screw - unscrew
42)do - undo
43)tie - untie
44)appear - disapper
45)quality - disquality
46)understand - misunderstand
47)read - misread
четверг, 11 февраля 2010 г.
четверг, 4 февраля 2010 г.
среда, 3 февраля 2010 г.
Задание 4
1) Кого вы играете в сериале "Школа" и расскажите немного о нём.
2) Вы похожи на свою героиню?
3) Какие изменения произошли с вами, когда вы получили эту роль?
4) Где вы учились?
5) А на каком факультете?
6) Как проходят съёмки?
вторник, 2 февраля 2010 г.
Well, I am going to describe my good friend. His name is Joe. I know him since I was a baby and I really love him. He has short black hair and short beard. He thinks if he has a beard, he will seem older. Also, he is good-looking and all girls are his. But he is very strict so he cannot find a good one.
He likes music. He plays the guitar and also he sings very well. I like when he sings. He is fond of dogs and his brother has a dog. It is very cute dog and it love me, because it jump every time when I come.
He is very clever, I think. He is honest, sometimes shy, sociable. He is a good listener and very organised. Also, he has a good sense of humor and he is very handsome.=)
He likes music. He plays the guitar and also he sings very well. I like when he sings. He is fond of dogs and his brother has a dog. It is very cute dog and it love me, because it jump every time when I come.
He is very clever, I think. He is honest, sometimes shy, sociable. He is a good listener and very organised. Also, he has a good sense of humor and he is very handsome.=)
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