The aim of this report is to analyse the results of a survey which was carried out among students of The Aru Secondary School. The survey indicates what kind of books are mostly liked and should be bought to the library.
Firstly, the research shows that the half of students questioned prefer thrillers and the smallest number of boys prefer poetry. A minority of those questioned prefer romantic novels. Thrillers have always been the most popular genre among boys.
However, the survey indicates that reading interests among girls are slightly different from boys.Romantic novels and historical novels are almost equally popular among the students questioned and cover about a quarter each from the results of the questionnaire. About 21 per cent of those questioned prefer thrillers and again, poetry is the least popular genre, covering only 17 per sent of the results.
In conclusion, I would recommend buying various reading genres to the library, althoug, historical novels seem to be most popular among all students. I would not recommend poetry books to be bought because both boys and girls do not prefer reading poetry.
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